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Cessna 170 PNP Extreme Setup Introduction

The Flex Innovation Team's Cessna 170 Extreme Setup alters the flap behavior and adjusts other elements to allow the Cessna 170 to do maneuvers well beyond those of it's full-scale counterpart, even into the '3D' realm. The Aura 8 and its powerful capability is a key part of this capability. It allows the Flaps to be reconfigured with the flip of a switch from 'conventional flaps', to 'prop blasted' ailerons with gyro enhanced stability.

The key elements of the setup are typically:

  • Modified flap linkage and geometry to allow the flaps to move up and down and to act as 'Ailerons', etc.
  • A software change via downloaded Aura Config File (.acf) that activates the flaps as ailerons and includes gyro inputs in specific flight modes.
  • Use of a 6S Battery (typically) for awesome power.

Below you will find conversion instructions and more detailed descriptions of the Aura Flight Modes (FM).

Conversion instructions

Part 1: Install the new Aura Config File (Model Settings) into Aura

Requirements to proceed:

  • Must be using Receiver to Aura connection OTHER THAN 4 wire PWM (servo leads) which is NOT supported by this procedure due to lack of ports available
  • Micro B USB Cable (came with plane)
  • Windows PC or Tablet
  • Aura Config Tool (Windows Application for Aura)'

Aura preparation steps:

  1. If you do not have it already, Download and Install Aura Config Tool
  2. Download the Cessna 170 Extreme Model File and save it to a known location on your windows device
  3. Launch the Aura Config Tool and Connect to Aura (more basic instructions on the use of the Aura Config Tool can be found Here and Here, and video playlists are on the Flex Innovations YouTube Channel.
    If you have previously flown and trimmed your Cessna 170, we recommend Reading and Save As (to a folder on your windows device) your existing Aura settings for future use or reference.
  4. Open the CessnaExtreme.ACF Aura Config File you downloaded above
  5. Make initial changes on the Settings Tab to match your Transmitter, Reciever, and Connection type.
  6. Write All to Aura and check the basic connectivity functions (Aura adjustments continue after mechanical changes)

Part 2: Mechanical Changes to Flap Linkage and Aura Adjustments

Requirements to proceed:

  • Cessna 170 aircraft
  • Alternate Flap Pushrods (included with aircraft)


  • The mechanical changes that need to be made to aircraft are simple. The Cessna comes with additional flap pushrods that are longer than the stock (installed) pushrods. These need to be swapped.
  • The flap servo arm will need to be placed 90 degrees to the servo, then adjust clevis so the flap is in neutral position. This allows the flaps to travel in both the up and down direction, much like ailerons.


  1. Remove both flap pushrods
  2. Power up Transmitter and Aura, and select FM3 (3D) and Flaps 'Up' to obtain the 'centered' flap command (Flap Servo Port live data should show about 0%)
  3. Remove the flap servo arm and adjust to a new position 90 degrees to the servo body
  4. If the Flap servo arm needs Aura Sub-trim to obtain 90 degrees, go into the Aura Config Tool Servo Ports Tab and Sub-trim the servo as needed.
  5. Install the new (longer) flap pushrods
  6. Adjust the length of the pushrods until the flaps are 'centered'
  7. Check control direction using the Control Sensor Test. If a flap servo reaction to the aircraft movement is reversed (as an Aileron), go to Aura Servo Ports Tab and reverse the flap servos as needed.

Repeat a Flight Controller Sensor Direction Test and Transmitter Command Test as indicated in the airplane manual page 14. Specially watch for flaps following main ailerons.

Check the function of the 'conventional flaps' in FM2 (Conventional)

  • The flap motion is controlled by the transmitter CH6 data, same as on the 'conventional Cessna'. Make adjustments (Travel, Direction, etc.) in the transmitter as needed to obtain the desired flap movement in FM2.

Check the function of the 'crow' speed brakes in FM1 (Crow). The ailerons should move 'up', and the flaps should move 'down' proportionally as the throttle is moved from half to idle.

  • The main mix is Aura Mixes Tab -> Mix 2.
    • If your crow is in the upper section of the throttle stick instead of the lower (not using Aura Throttle port?), move the Mix data from 'mix rate negative' feild to mix rate positive' field.
    • If your controls surfaces are moving the wrong direction, change the sign (ex. + -> -) of the 'mix rate' data

Part 3: Adjustments

Flight Modes and Flying
