F-100D Super Sabre 90mm EDF Latest Updates, Build Tips and Addendum

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Pro Tips for Flap Setup


Flap Notes

  • There is no one 'right way' to setup flaps. This page will give an example of setting up two flaps with one transmitter input with AURA using the F-100 PNP as an example. The techniques can be used in general in many situations.
  • This is an excellent technique for those who want there model to fly very well... used by experts and scale competitors, etc. This not one that is required for flight. It is no different for any aircraft or brand.
  • Typical settings (matches F-100D setup per manual)
    • We will assume 3-position scale type flaps set on a 3 position switch. The 'half flap' position will be set at (or near) the 'center' postion (aka transmitter data set at or near 0%.
    • Using Aura, transmitter wing type is set to 1 aileron, 1 flap
    • Aura is set to two flaps and will setup two servo output ports (example S7, S8) using the 1 Tx/Rx Channel (CH6 is typical)

High Level Overview of Pro Flap Setup

  • make starting Transmitter and Aura settings (F-100D users set per manual)
  • Setup LEFT FLAP first as the MASTER flap
  • Match RIGHT FLAP to the Left/Master flap

Flap Setup

Note: some transmitters such as Spektrum have a LAND system. You can used this to drive the Flap data (it will give additional inputs to influence travel and direction)

Left/Master Flap Setup

  • In the transmitter, set the CH6 travel to +-50%. You can increase this once confirmed there is no servo binding/stalling.
  • Set the flap switch to the middle position, confirm in your transmitters monitor screen the (CH6) data is centered (0%) and there is no subtrim, etc at this time. Move the flap switch and confirm the data is moving with the switch. Return to center.
  • Plug in the Left Wing/Flap Servo. The servo should be alive and the flap near mid-flaps. You can move the switch briefly away from center to confirm the flaps move, and also use transmitter (CH6) reversing as needed to have the flaps move in desired direction away from center. Return the switch to center.
  • Check the servo Arm, it should be perpendicular to the body of the servo
    • If the servo arm is far off, one typically needs to remove and reset the arm to the 'nearest spline'
    • If the servo arm is a little off, the best practice is to use AURA subtrim in the correct servo port (S7 for F-100D) to adjust the arm to perpendicular.
  • Set the CENTER position first! In the case of the F-100, set the flap 50mm below the panel line that is about 14mmm above the flap up position.
    • Make adjustments to the mechanical linkage to get the flap as close as possible to the correct position.
    • You can fine tune the final position with Aura subtrim as above.
  • Move the switch to the flaps DOWN position. Make sure it is not binding/stalled, and reduce transmitter travel right away if it is.
    • Use the transmitters (CH6) travel in that position (in combination with the transmitters Land System if so equipped) to set the full flap travel. Make it 70mm below the panel line in the case of the F-100D.

  • In addition to the JR DMSS receivers listed in the manual, the RG812BX should be a good choice as well. Avoid the BPX receivers as they will not do servo pulses and serial data at the same time.
  • We recommend updating to the very latest Aura Firmware v1.14 or higher and then set the 'new to Aura' JR XBUS MODE A serial data in the transmitter and the Aura.
  • Using MODE A, you can physically wire/connect it just like Futaba diagram in the manual (P. 7). Throttle and Gear in the Receivers ports. Xbus to Port B in Aura.
