Aura Config Tool Install

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Use the Aura Config Tool to program and tune your Aura

The Aura Config Tool is a PC application for configuring, tuning, and updating your Aura. While you can setup a basic model at the field with just your Transmitter, the Aura Config Tool unlocks the rest of Aura's potential.

We have designed it to be as simple as possible to use, but powerful enough for the advanced user to tweak nearly every parameter in the Aura. Whether you "just want it to work" or want to spend time tweaking and perfecting your model, the Aura Config Tool is designed with the modeler in mind!

A few of the powerful features of the Aura Config Tool are:

  • "New Aura Config File Wizard" to help you setup your Aura for your model as quickly as possible.
    • Pick your transmitter, receiver type, wing type, tail type and control template
  • Downloadable Aura Config Files to give you a head start on your perfecting your model based on our experience and flight tests
  • Multiple flight mode capability from a single switch (channel)
  • Fully adjustable dual rates, expo, and gains for each Flight Mode to suite your flying style
  • 24 Internal Channels available for custom mixing, gain scaling, or outputs
  • Firmware Update capability for new features or improvements
  • And much more!

Install the Aura Config Tool

After confirming you meet the System Requirements listed below, download the Aura Config Tool and Install it. After install, the Aura Config Tool will run and prompt you to Install the Aura USB Drivers. After installing the Aura Config Tool and it's USB Drivers, you are done!

System Requirements

  • Windows XP (Service Pack 2+), Windows 7 (Service Pack 2+), Windows 8, Windows 10
  • 1024 x 768 Resolution or Higher
  • USB Port
  • Internet connection (only needed during install and Aura Firmware updates)
  • Microsoft .NET framework 4.0 or higher

Note: Certain Virus and System Protection may try to block the Aura Config Tool installation. If installation is blocked, temporarily disable these features during installation.

Note: You may need to know your administrative login and password depending on your security settings.

Step 1 - Download the Aura Config Tool PC Application

Click this link to Download the Aura Config Tool PC Application Install File.

Windows or your browser may suggest the file is not safe and should be discarded. Override these suggestions and save the file to your PC.

Step 2- Install the Aura Config Tool

  • Open/Run the setup.exe file to start the installation
    • Windows 7/8 Users - If you get a window stating "Windows has protected your PC", click "More Info", then click "Run Anyway"
    • Windows XP Users - Windows may try to block the installation, override these suggestions and run the installer.

Note: Certain Virus and System Protection may try to block the Aura Config Tool installation. If install is blocked, temporarily disable these features during install.

Step 3 - Install Aura USB Drivers

  • After completing the installation, the Aura Config Tool will open and prompt you to Install the Aura USB Drivers.
    • You must install the Aura Config Tool USB Drivers to communicate via USB with Aura.
    • Follow the prompts to install the required USB Drivers
    • You can complete the Aura USB Driver Installation at any time. If not prompted when you start the Aura Config Tool, use the Help Menu and Select 'Install Aura Drivers'.

Note: The USB Driver install will go through several steps including two separate install wizards and may take a couple minutes to complete.


If you have issues with the Aura Config Tool, the Aura Config Tool may need to be added to your PC's antivirus/firewalls "Trusted Apps".

  • The path to the Aura Config Tool can be found by right clicking on the 'AuraConfigTool' in the Windows Task Manager and selecting 'Open file location'.

After Installing the Aura Config Tool

Congrats on Installing the Aura Config Tool!