Graupner Hott Use Notes
Graupner Hott Use
We welcome user contact and information.
General Information and Tips
We are NOT experts on the Graupner Hott system. We did implement and thoroughly test their single wire 'digital' SRXL Protocol SUMD. Aura can get 8, 12, or even 16 channels of data on a single wire using SUMD.
The specific equipment we have tested and flown includes an MX-16 transmitter, and GR-16 and other Receivers. It seems difficult or impossible to find published data on what SUMD format all the different receivers support (or default to). At times you may need to got though the entire list on the Aura Config Tool and look for the solid green LED when connected, with 8, 12, and 16 being by far the most common SUMD outputs.
Graupner SUMD Update September 2019
- Tested GR-12L single antenna (no diversity)
- Firmware 2.05
- Single antenna likely good only for small close-in parkflyers.
- Puts out SUMDof12 on Rx Port 6
- Connect to Aura B Port (set SUMDof12 manually in Aura Config Tool)
- Tested GR-12L S1051 dual antenna diversity micro receiver.
- The instructions are very limited! GR-12L S1051 Manual
- Firmware 2.04
- Puts out SUMDof16 on the Ch6/SUMD male cable (Set manually in Aura Config Tool)
- Male SUMD cable can connect directly to Aura 8 B Port
- Made no connection between the telemetry cable and Aura.
- Good for planes that DO NOT require additional receiver servo ports such as throttle.
- Tested GR-16L
- Firmware 7.07
- Set SUMDof8 on the Port 8 of the Rx (Usually set in Graupner Tx Telemetry menu.)
- Set SUMDof8 for Port B of Aura. Connect these ports with Male to Male cable
- (Aura can also Auto-Detect SUMDof8 if Auto-Detect is enabled)
- Tested GR-18-3xG 3A +V
- Firmware 2.04
- Graupner Gyros NOT enabled.
- Puts out SUMDof16 on Rx Port 6 (set manually in Aura Config Tool)
SUMD General Notes
- Update your transmitter to the latest firmware.
- Update your receiver to the latest firmware.
- With your receiver bound, test that the receiver can drive a servo normally (Bind Check)
- Go into your transmitter menu structure following its instructions (sometimes in Telemetry menu) and Enable SUMD (This must be done, it is not done/on automatically/by default). Note which pin/servo port the SumD is assigned to on your Rx Bus.
- Taking extra care with the polarity, connect the SumD Rx port to servo Port B of the Aura (Port A for Aura Professional) using one male-to-male cable.
- Most of our testing has been with SUMD of 8, of 12, and of 16.
- It seems the GR-16 defaults to SumD of 8 (using our MX-16)
- It seems the GR-12L Single Antenna defaults to SumD of 12 (using our MX-16) (Not Confirmed)
- The GR-16 is easiest to use on PNP aircraft like the QQ Extra and Cessna 170, or with Quick Set on the Open Stock Aura. Aura can Auto-Detect SumDof8 (unless Auto-Detect is disabled, refer to your products user guide.)
- Some Graupner transmitters or devices may allow you to re-program the SumD channel count?
- As needed, use the Aura Config tool to go in and select the correct radio settings for Aura
- Graupner -> Graupner SumD -> On Port B -> SumD of 8, or 12, or 16 etc.
Note: For Aura Professionals, it is preferred to put SUMD into Port A
- Other than this, Aura is used normally. Normal methods of programming including the New Aura Config File Wizard are supported.
- Once connected successfully, Aura will have:
- Solid Orange LED - Power and Calibrated Sensor (blinking is movement during sensor calibration, using last good)
- Solid Green LED - Valid Radio Data Source (blinking is error/wrong channel count)
- Turn on the Aura Live Data/Input Monitor to see your input commands and validate functions.
- The stick motions on the screen should mimic those of the transmitter.
- Assign a 3-position switch to the Tx CH5. Used as CH5/Flight Mode change in Aura
- Assign a switch (or other) as needed to CH6 and CH7 to use for flaps, etc. as desired.
- Assign a knob (or other) as needed to CH8. This can be used as Aura master gain if desired.
- Other channels can be added if available. Aura's Channel # should match the transmitter.
- Tx Flight Control directions into Aura Input Monitor should be correct with default/normal Tx servo reversing.
- Set transmitter travel per normal Aura directions (125% Aileron, Elevator, Rudder, 100% others)