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Setup for using a Graupner HOTT Tx/Rx

Always start with a reset/new transmitter model!
NOTE: You will use the 3-Pin to 4-Pin Male to Male cable provided to connect the Graupner Rx to the FLEXF3. This is the same cable arrangement shown on page 15 of the manual for the Futaba connections. (Non-Telemetry)

CYPHER/Betaflight Settings

Use one of the Betaflight configuration tools to make these settings. Be sure to SAVE the configuration page after adjustments.

Configuration Page

Betaflight Serial Provider Setting
Betaflight Channel Map Setting
Betaflight JR Map Verify
Receiver Mode            ->  Serial Based Receiver (Cypher Default)
Serial Receiver Provider ->  SUMD                  (aka Graupner SUMD)
Telemetry slider         ->  OFF                   (Cypher Default)

SAVE the page!

CLI Page

Channel Order            ->  TAER1234       (Cypher Default)

To set, in your configurator, go to the 'CLI' page.

Graupner Transmitter settings:

MX16 Mode 2 transmitter used for validations (Most common models expected to work the SAME)
Receiver with diversity and SUMD out capability recommended.
You can verify the completed settings using the tools using the BetaFlight Receiver page.


Name:                  Cypher
Model Type:            Plane/Acro
Wing type:             1 Ail, 0 Flaps          (default)
Tail type:             Normal 1 Elev 1 Rudd    (default)
Throttles:             1                       (default)
The rest are defaults                          (default)
Assign a 2-position switch to CH5/Gear         (Stability/Angle Mode)
Assign a 3-position switch to CH6/Aux1         (Configuration/Tilt)
Bind your Transmitter and Receiver
Set your system to output SUMD of 8
No Subtrim should be used


1   Throttle        =>
2   Aileron         <= 
3   Elevator        =>
4   Rudder          <=
5   Gear            =>  -or as desired
6   Aux1            <=  -or as desired


1    Throttle           +-125%  
2    Aileron            +-125%
3    Elevator           +-125%
4    Rudder             +-125%
5    Profile-Stab       +-125%
6    Config-Tilt        +100 -60%  To Start-Must adjust with gauges!

Go to the Receiver Page in Configurator and fine tune Aileron,Elevator, and Rudder travel to 1000-1500-2000. (See notes on top of Configurator page)


Set a count down
Timer length suggestion for first flights
     2200mAh:            2:30
     2600mAh:            3:10
     3300mAh:            4:00