Configure Aura

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Configuration Overview

Warning: Remove the propeller or unplug the motor or take other action as needed to disable the power system before adjusting Aura settings or making other adjustments to your model.

There are two major steps in installing your Aura and preparing it for flight.

  1. Initial Aura Config File Setup
  2. Aura Verification and Fine Tuning

1. Initial Aura Config File Setup

There several ways to do the initial setup of your Aura's firmware:

  • Quick Setup Method
  • New Config File "Wizard" Setup via the Aura Config Tool
  • Download an Existing Aura Configuration File

If you have not already, follow the instructions to Download and Install the Aura Config Tool PC application. (Not required for Quick Setup Method)

Quick Setup Method

The Quick Setup method is intended for fast setup of conventional models (up to 2 Ailerons, 2 Elevators, 1 Rudder) while using a 'digital' data connection (not PWM or PPM) and does NOT require the use of a Aura Config Tool PC application.

The Quick Setup method is detailed in the Quick Start Guide. Be sure to review the Aura Addendum for additional safety tips.

New Config File "Wizard"

Using the Aura Config Tool PC application, you can easily setup up a new Aura Config File for virtually any aircraft. It is suitable for ALL transmitter types, all receiver connections, and all aircraft model types. It can easily setup simple models, but is also flexible to allow a lot of advanced features if desired.

If you have not already, follow the instructions to Download and Install the Aura Config Tool PC application. The Application is designed to be largely self explanatory as it includes built in help and explanations that 'pop up' when hovering the mouse cursor over items. You can build your initial configuration with or without an Aura connected.

  • Launch the Aura Config Tool from the Start Menu.
  • From the top drop down menu, Choose File -> New Aura Config File
  • If prompted for type of Aura, choose Aura 8 Open Stock
  • The New Aura Config File Wizard screen will open (see example below). Simply work through the screen filling out each box.
    • Aura Config Name: Give a meaningful name to your model file. Ex. BVM Yak 130
    • Aura Config Type: Some models such as Flex Innovations products will be 'preloaded' here. If you do not see your model, choose Custom.
    • Control Template: This gives you the choice to start with some preset control settings (Flight Mode settings including Dual Rate, Expo, Control Mode settings including Control Types and Gains and Stick priorities), or to start with blank settings and make your own. Often, you will want to choose the Generic Sport/Scale, or Generic 3D types as many models will fit under these two types.
    • Throttle Type: If you are using DSM Satellites or JR Mode B, you will require a throttle port (or two) on the Aura Servo Bus. PWM users should use the Receivers throttle port. Other Rx types may choose to drive their throttle(s) from the conventional Rx throttle port or through Aura based on their needs... including the number of flight control servo ports needed in Aura. Ex: Single Throttle
    • Wing Type: Like a modern transmitter, the Aura supports many wing types via the pull down. Choose the one that matches your model type. Ex: 2 Ailerons
      • Wing type is set in AURA only. Your Transmitter should be set in a default fashion with Single Aileron, Rudder, and Elevator. (see below for normal flaps)
      • For more complex models, and depending on the number of ports available and radio type, you will need to decide if normal wing flaps are plugged into the Aura (and included in Aura wing type), or plugged into the conventional Rx and 'disregarded' in Aura. See the Aura FAQ for more information.
    • Change Orientation: Click on this and use the Roll, Pitch, and Yaw buttons to set Aura orientation to match how it is mounted in the model. Click Finish. note: This is IMPORTANT!
    • Transmitter Type: Select the Transmitter type that best describes your Transmitter. Ex: Futaba
    • Receiver Type: Select the Receiver type that describes your Receiver's Communication Method. Ex: S.Bus (remember, more information is available by hovering the mouse over keywords in the App)
    • Aura Port: Select the Port(s) (from the context sensitive list) that Aura will receive the Tx/Rx data from. Ex: Port B
    • Tail Type: Select via the pull-down list, the type that matches your model. Ex: 2 Elevators, 1 Rudder
      • As with Wing Type, Tail Type should only be set in Aura. The transmitter should be configured conventionally with the default 1 elevator and 1 rudder as it would be on a NEW or Reset model space.
New Aura Config File Wizard Example

Once all of the choices are made, the Wizard will assign functions to Servo ports S1-S8. Notice that non-required Aura ports may be defined to use other input channels automatically. Ex: S8:Ch6/Aux1. If you want to change this, you may do so now.

  • Make a NOTE of the S1-S8 Servo Port assignments for future reference. They can also be reviewed or changed later in the "Servo Ports" tab in the App.
  • Click Finish to exit the Wizard and save your settings to a name similar to your model name. Ex: BVM_YAK_130_V1 (it will save with a .acf extension)
  • Now that the Wizard is finished, you will be placed in the Aura Config Tool with the new model file you just created loaded.
  • You can review your settings and make adjustments as desired. When you are satisfied with the initial settings, follow these steps to Write the settings to your Aura:
    • Connect the Aura to the PC using the supplied USB Cable. Allow a bit of time for the drivers to detect the Aura.
    • Press the Connect button in the Aura Config Tool (bottom right).
    • Press the Write All to Aura button to write the settings to the Aura.

Download an Existing Aura Configuration File

Aura Configuration Files (.acf) can be saved, and shared via e-mail or website, etc. You may obtain a Configuration File from a friend, or by downloading from the Flex Innovations Aura Config Files Library.

  • Save your file to a convenient directory on your PC.
  • Launch The Aura Config Tool from the Start Menu.
  • From the top drop down menu, choose File -> Open Aura Config File to load the settings into the App.
  • Review and modify the settings as desired.
  • From the top drop down menu, chose File -> Save Config File or File -> Save Config File As to save the Aura Config File changes.
  • Connect the Aura to the PC using the supplied USB Cable. Allow a bit of time for the drivers to detect the Aura.
  • Press the Connect button in the Aura Config Tool (bottom right).
  • Press the Write All to Aura button to write the settings to the Aura.

Follow the Aura Verification steps as shown below before flight.

2. Aura Verification and Adjustments

Be sure to run and pass the Transmitter Command and Aircraft Movement/Sensor tests shown in the manual and below before attempting flight! There are many variables, such as servo brands that travel in opposite directions, variance in linkage geometries, sensor orientation that can cause improper servo movement and cause a crash.

Servo Connections

For models not configured using Quick Setup method, connect your servos as defined on the Servo Port tab of the Aura Config Tool.

If you configured your Aura using the Quick Setup method, connect your servos as shown in the Quick Start Guide.

Note: When connecting your servos. Depending on the complexity of your model, you may choose to connect them all at once, or connect and verify them in small batches.

Aura Servo Verification

Now that you have configured and programmed your Aura, it is time to verify the program and make final adjustments. (Quick Setup users refer to the Quick Setup Instructions, App users use the following) CAUTION: Always remove the prop and disable the motor on electric or self starting models.

  • Power the Transmitter On
  • Power the Aura/Receiver/Servos On
  • Verify that Aura is On and the Sensors are Active (Solid Orange LED), and that it is receiving valid Radio Data (Solid Green LED).
  • Check the servos one by one to confirm that the correct Transmitter Command is moving the correct Model control/servo.
  • Servo Adjustments via Aura Config Tool: (Click Write All to Aura to put the changes in effect and save frequently to your PC)
    • Check each Aura control to verify if it is moving in the correct direction starting with the Transmitter Command test. If it is NOT, reverse it on the Aura Config Tool Servo Ports tab by changing the Direction on the lower half of the page (Normal/Reverse).
    • Check each Aura control for Centering. Use mechanical adjustments or use the Aura Subtrim setting on the Servo Ports tab to center the controls.

Select the highest Rate/Gain setting via transmitter Fight Mode (typically Ch 5) switch (usually Flight Mode 3) Tip: Enable LIVE DATA on the various app tabs to track transmitter commands in the APP.

  • On the Servo Ports tab, adjust the maximum travel desired of each control using the Output Scale sliders.
  • Perform the following tests here to verify the controls are correct!
Diagrams for Control Tests. Both tests must be performed and passed.

In the Aura Config Tool drop down menu, use the Quick Actions -> Quick Check method that exaggerates/holds the sensor commanded control movements. This feature can make the Sensor/Aircraft movement test easier to perform. To exit the Quick Check mode before flying, the Aura must be restarted.

Review the other settings and tabs and make changes as desired. For Example, you may want to fine tune your Dual Rates and Exponential values in each Flight Mode on the Flight Mode Tab. Make sure you have Written to Aura and Saved your settings to your PC!

Setup is now complete!

IMPORTANT: It is always recommended to have a GYRO OFF mode available for first/early flights to assure that all is well. Take off and climb to a safe altitude should be done in the GYRO OFF mode. Test the other modes carefully, and return the switch to GYRO OFF if any trouble is encountered, then land and make adjustments as needed.